Audience: All users in Logicbroker.
Note: Enhanced Dashboard
Logicbroker is enhancing the Dashboard with new functionality from our Standard Reporting page to offer a customized view by user and a better user experience! Here are a couple things to note with this change:
- The Standard Reporting page will no longer exist since all its functionality will move to the Dashboard
- If you had custom reports configured from the Standard Reporting page, they will carry over to the Dashboard
- If you did not have custom reports configured from the Standard Reporting page, you will get our default view which is an enhanced pool of reports customized to either suppliers or retailers.
- We now support new functionality including adding widgets and browsing preset tiles and charts
- The Dashboard is customizable by each user - making updates to your dashboard will not affect others in your organization.
The Logicbroker Dashboard provides users with a customizable view of order processing data including high-level summary of orders, failed documents and a quick visual snapshot into order information and financial stats. Retailers and suppliers alike should monitor the dashboard daily for document failures. If you are using another system to process orders, you should still monitor this page as failed documents may not be sent to your system until failures are resolved.
Click on New in the top right to open up the Widget dialogue. This will allow you to customize your dashboard view by viewing, editing or creating new tiles to your dashboard.
Title - this is the name that appears on the tile.
Color – this is the color in which the tile will appear, you can color code these to easily distinguish what is being captured.
Filter – this determines what data is being shown on the tile. There are various options, shown below, and users are able to add as many filters as they would like. When applying filters, users can add conditions using the options: greater than, less than, or is not.
Document Type - Available options include Order, Acknowledgement, Shipment, Invoice, and Return.
Status* - this is the status description, typical order statuses include Ready to Acknowledge, Ready to Ship, Ready to Invoice, and Complete.
Status Code* – this is the code associated with the status, typical order status codes are 150 (Ready to Acknowledge), 500 (Ready to Ship), and 600 (Ready to Invoice).
Sender - this is the sender of the document.
Receiver - this is the receiver of the document.
Date – this is the date of the document.
Status Change Date - Date the status was last changed for that document.
System – the System of how the document was received. This includes Portal, Workflow, CustomXML, CSV, External API, EDI, and other system names.
*For more information on document statuses and status codes, please click here.
Title - this is the name that appears on the chart.
Chart Type – this is the way in which the data will appear, users can select from a line graph, bar graph, or pie chart.
Value Field – this determines what you are trying to view on the chart I.e., a count of new documents. All value options are listed below.
- New Count - this is the number of documents that have been received based on the time interval set
- Failure Count – this is the number of documents that have failed based on the time interval set.
- Complete Count – this is the number of documents completed based on the time interval set. That is documents that have been fully shipped and/or invoiced
- Duplicate Count – this is the number of documents that have been marked as duplicates in the time interval set.
- Total Amount - Aggregated Invoice total $ amount provided on all invoices given the interval set.
- Subtotal - Aggregated (Quantity * Price) for all line items provided on your orders given the interval set.
- Total Quantity - Aggregated Quantity for all orders given the interval set
Interval (Days) - this allows users to select the time period for the data they would like to showcase on their chart, I.e. last 30 days.
Filter - this determines what data is being showcased on the tile. There are various options, shown below, and users are able to add multiple filters.
Document Type – this would be the type of document(s) that is being used in the chart. This should always be provided when creating a chart.
Sender - this is the sender of the document.
Receiver - this is the receiver of the document.
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