In order to activate your BigCommerce connection, you must be an active Logicbroker customer.
About this app
BigCommerce is a SaaS (Software as a Service) platform that takes care of the hosting, any software updates, and makes sure retailers' sites are PCI compliant. Logicbroker’s connection to BigCommerce provides retailers with an easy way to manage orders directly in BigCommerce with a direct connection to supplier partners. Get started today by requesting a quote. Get started today with a subscription or try it for free! BigCommerce Pricing
- Send Orders
- Receives Cancellations
- Receives Shipments
- Receives Inventory
- Receives Product Feeds
BigCommerce Support:
- Product
- Flow: Logicbroker > BigCommerce
- Product updates in the Logicbroker system can be sent into BigCommerce from the Logicbroker portal.
- Inventory
- Flow: Supplier > Logicbroker > BigCommecre
- All items in Logicbroker will be pushed into BigCommerce as long as their BigCommerce product_ID’s match the Logicbroker Supplier SKU imported by supplier into Logicbroker. Feeds are pushed into BigCommerce on a schedule, normally once an hour.
- Orders
- Flow: BigCommerce > Logicbroker > Supplier
- Orders placed on BigCommerce will be pulled into Logicbroker based on the status of Awaiting Fulfillment. Once pulled, we will update the status of the order to Awaiting Shipment to mark that the order has been pulled. Logicbroker then transforms the order data into a format the supplier can easily understand.
- Cancellations
- Flow: Supplier > Logicbroker > BigCommerce
- Cancellations in Logicbroker will be sent into BigCommerce by updating the order status to Cancelled if it is a full cancellation. If it is a partial cancellation, we will add details about the canceled items to the staff notes and update the order status to Manual Verification Required.
- Shipments
- Flow: Supplier > Logicbroker > BigCommerce
- Shipments created by the supplier and transmitted to Logicbroker will be sent out to the retailer's BigCommerce account.
Logicbroker Field | BigCommerce Field |
PO | id |
ExtendedAttribute ["BigCommerceOrderId"] | id |
OrderDate | date_created |
HandlingAmount | handling_cost_inc_tax |
Currency | currency_code |
Payments.Method | payment_method |
Payments.ReferenceId | payment_provider_id |
Discounts.DiscountAmount | discount_amount |
Taxes.TaxAmount | total_tax |
TotalAmount | total_inc_tax |
Note | customer_message |
CustomerNumber |
customer_id |
ExtendedAttribute ["BigCommerceStaffNotes"] | staff_notes |
*BillToAddress | billing_address |
*ShipToAddress | (Fields will map as expected. The id field from BigCommerce will be mapped to ContactID.) |
⚠️ Note Any custom fields (form_fields in BigCommerce) will be added to the address level ExtendedAttributes with the prefix bigcommerce_ |
Logicbroker API Field | BigCommerce Field |
Quantity | quantity |
Price | price_inc_tax |
Cost | cost_price_inc_tax |
Description | name |
Note | wrapping_message |
Weight |
weight |
ItemIdentifier.SupplierSKU | sku |
ItemIdentifier.UPC | upc |
Discounts.DiscountCode | applied_discounts.code |
Discounts.DiscountName | |
Discounts.DiscountAmount | applied_discounts.amount |
ExtendedAttributes.Name | product_options.display_name |
ExtendedAttributes.Value | product_options.display_value |
ExtendedAttributes "BigCommerceAddressId"] | order_address_id |
ExtendedAttributes ["BigCommerceLineItemId"] | id |
Logicbroker API Field | BigCommerce Field |
*ShipToAddress.ContactID |
order_address_id |
ShipmentInfos.ServiceLevelCode | shipping_method |
ShipmentsInfos.CarrierCode | shipping_provider |
*ShipmentInfos.TrackingNumber | tracking_number |
Note | comments |
ShipmentLine.ExtendedAttributes ["BigCommerceLineItemId"] | items.order_product_id |
ShipmentLine.Quantity | items.quantity |
⚠️ Note These fields should be automatically populated from the BigCommerce order_address_id field from the order. |
- Logicbroker account (retailer flow) - become a Logicbroker customer
- Workflows - reach out to Logicbroker support so we can add the workflows needed to complete your BigCommerce integration *make sure you do this before you get started on the Setup
- BigCommerce account - review pricing
See our Connect to BigCommerce Quick Start Guide for setup instructions and to see the connector in action.
Also see BigCommerce's Help page.
Date | Update |
4/14/2022 | Add requested ship method to orders |
1/21/2020 |
Support Multiple Tracking Numbers. Multiple tracking numbers will be posted in separate requests Support variants in inventory. SKU must be matched to variant Support for item-level tax Support for staff notes. Extended Attribute name will be BigCommerceStaffNotes to control the value provided to Big Commerce |
9/30/2020 | Make order pull status configurable and include pull window if not using Awaiting Fulfillment |
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