
In order to activate your ShipEngine connection, you must be an active Logicbroker customer.

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About this app

ShipEngine is an API platform that provides tools for world-class shipping and logistics. Logicbroker’s connection to ShipEngine allows users to generate and print shipping labels directly from our portal or through the API using the carrier/parcel accounts set up within ShipEngine. Get started today with ShipEngine’s Pay-As-You-Go plans or with their free trial. See ShipEngine Pricing


  • Shipping Labels
  • Rate Shopping
  • Address Validation


ShipEngine Support:

How it works

Retailers receiving shipments can enable all their suppliers to use their parcel or carrier accounts to ship and generate labels (through the portal or API).

Suppliers sending shipments can use their retailer’s account or link their own ShipEngine account (both account options will be available when creating a shipment directly from the portal). Suppliers who select their own account will be given the option to select their carrier and service level. However, selecting the retailer’s account will restrict the carrier/service level to what is on the order.

For retailers: when an order is placed, the retailer will have 2 options for how a supplier can fulfill and print labels:

  • Option 1: Pre-select Carrier and Service Level on Order
    If the order has a carrier and service level listed, the same carrier and service level will be used to create the shipment document and shipping label. If you plan on sending custom ship method codes on the order to be used to create labels, you will need to map to the standard codes listed in Step 4 of our quick start guide.

  • Option 2: Rate shop all connected carriers for lowest price
    If the order does not have a carrier or service level listed (class code is blank or labeled as “UNSP”), then Logicbroker will use the Estimated Delivery Date to rate shop across all connected carriers and select the one with the lowest rate based on the accounts set up in ShipEngine.

The Carrier field refers to ShipmentInfos[0].ClassCode on the order


See our Connect to ShipEngine Quick Start Guide for setup instructions and to see the connector in action.

Connect to ShipEngine

Troubleshooting and FAQs
Issues How to troubleshoot or resolve

When creating your labels, you may receive an error for malformed data. When posting labels, all information is validated including address validation for both Ship to and Ship from fields

Make sure addresses are valid and input in correct formats (ex. Country code must be two characters).



If my retailer partner has a ShipEngine connection, can I set one up as well as a supplier?

Yes, when creating a shipment you will be given the option to use the merchant’s account or your own.


Are LTL shipments supported?

No, only parcel shipments are supported at this time. 


Also see ShipEngine’s FAQ page.

Connector updates




ShipEngine connection launch. Features include: download postage/shipping labels. Use one configured retailer account to create labels/postage for all connected suppliers


Support for multiple accounts per carrier in ShipEngine


Support Signature Required and Business Addresses for shipments in ShipEngine


Rate shopping functionality used to choose cheapest carrier and service level providing ship to, ship from, package dimensions and estimated delivery date

Connections page added for Easy Post and ShipEngine configurations. Carrier label attachments are available from both supplier and retailer

Fix: ClassCode added on box (ShipmentInfos) when using ShipEngine


Add merchant name on Shipment Creation page for ShipEngine and Easy Post connections


Automatic Weight for Products when Shipping Items - ShipEngine, EasyPost

Weight can be added to the product details, and then that information will be pulled in to the shipment from inventory

It is pulled in each time the shipment details page is opened (Portal Functionality only)

Shipping Labels automatic Popup when created


Fix: Updated the ship details page to retry attaching labels


Fix: Failure to create shipments with extra characters in name; characters will be removed when processing


Add new standard carrier mappings for usps_media_mail (USPS-MD) and usps_priority_mail (USPS-PB)

Add customization for Reference fields on carrier labels. KVP names for mapping include "ShipEngine_ref1", "ShipEngine_ref2", "ShipEngine_ref3"

Support for Carrier ID Mapping via Order Data. Allows for use of different ShipEngine accounts as long as it is specified on the order

Signature required flag on the carrier label can now be specified on the order (i.e Direct, Adult, Delivery Confirmation Request)

Advanced options used on the carrier label can now be specified on the order (i.e contains alcohol, contains dry ice)

Fix: Ability to create 2 labels/packages using one item


Allow package edits for failed label creation

Add FedEx Home Delivery to Map


Add GLSP-GR ship method mapping


Ability to include customs information


Add order number
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