For our Supplier Bundle customers, we now offer the capability to connect one NetSuite instance to multiple Logicbroker accounts.
Connections are distinguished using a Logicbroker custom field on the transaction level (LB Connection ID, custbody_lbsupp_coid) that is set when an order is pulled into NetSuite from Logicbroker. Therefore it is imperative that this field is available on all relevant transaction forms.
Enabling the feature
To first activate this feature, navigate to Setup > Company > Preferences > General Preferences. Scrolling down, select the Custom Preferences tab. There should be a section labeled “Logicbroker Supplier Connector”. Check the box called Connect Multiple Accounts. Save these preferences.
For every script in the bundle, there are now script parameters that can be found on the script deployments. If you are using this feature, you will need to create a new deployment for every Logicbroker connection.
On "Pull" scripts, the only parameter is the API Key. Rather than setting up a single Logicbroker API Key under General Preferences as shown in the screenshot above, you will need to configure the API key that corresponds to your Logicbroker connection on each deployment.
On "Send" scripts, there is an additional parameter required called Connection ID. This field should be the Company ID associated with the LB account. It will be used for filtering transactions to ensure that each transaction in NetSuite flows to the correct Logicbroker account. Again, this must be configured for all deployments.
For exporting Saved Search inventory, there is also a parameter similar to the General Preferences setting where you will have to configure which saved searches to send to the connection associated with each deployment. At the moment, broadcast/by partner is still set on the NetSuite company level in General Preferences. This may change in a future release.
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