Portal Updates:
- Retain documents for no more than 2 years
- Improved experience for logging back into the portal after logging out
- Orders: Sales order will fail if sourced to an invalid supplier, event will be generated to provide details
- Product Catalog:
- Automatically send product feed to the retailer once exported from the catalog
- Product import available in the catalog only
- Category taxonomy explorer is available on the categories page to find relevant categories
- Advanced Export: Ability to set default values in the advanced exports
- Testing - Stage Portal: Full errors are showcased on the test progress page
- Support for shipping rate shopping when a class code is unspecified
- Change mapping for OrderDate on the API type to include the time
- New document export endpoints are available which will provide a download link. The new endpoints are:
- More information can be found in the API references:
- https://stage.commerceapi.io/swagger/ui/index#!/Order/Order_GetDocumentExportTokenV2
- https://stage.commerceapi.io/swagger/ui/index#!/Invoice/Invoice_GetDocumentExportTokenV2
- https://stage.commerceapi.io/swagger/ui/index#!/Acknowledgement/Acknowledgement_GetDocumentExportTokenV2
- https://stage.commerceapi.io/swagger/ui/index#!/Return/Return_GetDocumentExportTokenV2
- https://stage.commerceapi.io/swagger/ui/index#!/Shipment/Shipment_GetDocumentExportTokenV2
Connector Updates:
- Shopify: Support for custom fields to add additional details to the order
- Walmart: Increase for inventory items uploaded per (API) request
Bug Fixes:
- Learn Logicbroker: Fix my profile page so users can utilize the Content Areas chart.
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