Portal Updates:
- Scorecards: Support for Vendor-based SLA Reporting
- Product Feeds: Error column has been added for product feeds downloads
- Product Catalog:
- Support for category mapping through the manage categories feature
- Warning for users if the catalog contains scientific notation when importing
- Maximum product image size is set to 5 MB on all endpoints
- CCN: Catalog items on the CCN profile page are now displayed using a tile format
- API:
- New endpoint for retrieving standard category taxonomy. The new endpoint is /api/v1/product/categories/taxonomy
- More information can be found in the API reference: https://stage.commerceapi.io/swagger/ui/index#!/Product/Product_GetTaxonomy
- New endpoints for managing categories. The end points are
GET /api/v1/product/categories
POST /api/v1/product/categories/bulkupdate
POST /api/v1/product/categories/export
POST /api/v1/product/categories/import
More information can be found in the API references:
https://stage.commerceapi.io/swagger/ui/index#!/Product/Product_GetAllCategories https://stage.commerceapi.io/swagger/ui/index#!/Product/Product_CreateOrUpdateCategories https://stage.commerceapi.io/swagger/ui/index#!/Product/Product_ExportCategories https://stage.commerceapi.io/swagger/ui/index#!/Product/Product_ImportCategories
- New endpoint for retrieving standard category taxonomy. The new endpoint is /api/v1/product/categories/taxonomy
Connector Updates:
- Shopify: Ship to email added to the order map for the supplier flow
- ShipStation: Item options are now mapped on the order
- NetSuite: Ability to apply NetSuite default addresses at a companywide level for sales orders
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