Release Notes thru 9/30/2020

Portal Updates:

  • API: Default V2 document queries to pull only received documents
    • On the V2 document list endpoints we will default Filters.receiverCompanyId = the request’s coid. If either senderCompanyId or receiverCompanyId are included in the filter that will override the default.
      Affected endpoints:
      GET /api/v2/Acknowledgements
      GET /api/v2/Invoices
      GET /api/v2/Orders
      GET /api/v2/Returns
      GET /api/v2/Shipments
  • Portal: Switch order of buttons and search box on inventory and product search
  • Portal: Order GS1 labels and packages by container code
    • If exporting labels for multiple shipments the order will be by shipment and then by container code. If they are all SSCC18 codes the sorting will ignore the first digit (container type specifier).
  • Portal: SSO Support using SAML 2.0
  • Product Catalog: Support column names with spaces
    • If a column name contains any spaces, it should be surrounded by curly braces {}.
  • Support consolidated inventory from multiple fulfillment sources
    • Aggregating inventory from all connected fulfillment sources to be broadcasted to all connected retail channeles. Items with the same SupplierSKU will sum up all quantities.

Connector Updates:

  • Netsuite: Commerce EDI Bundle
    • Support for fulfillment requests and automatic item shipment syncing with shipment management systems.
  • BigCommerce: Make order pull status configurable and include pull window if not using Awaiting Fulfillment
  • GIO: Connector to create orders and receive shipment data

Bug Fixes:


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