Logicbroker Help Center
Logicbroker Updates
Release Notes
Release Notes thru 3/31/2020
Logicbroker Support
Portal Updates:
- Configuration: Auto-validate retailer ship methods that are setup in Shipment Options
- Inventory: Added support for more warehouses; can now provide up to 10
- API: Lowered rate limit on inventory endpoints
- /api/v1/Inventory/{partnerid} - Request rate limited to 1 request every 10 seconds with bursts up to 30 requests
- /api/v1/Inventory/{partnerid}/Matching - Request rate limited to 1 request every 60 seconds with bursts up to 10 requests
- Webhook configuration setup under API Authentication in Portal
- Configure custom field attribute values for order test cases
- Update bulk acknowledge page with default unique AcknowledgementNumbers
- 860 EDI: Support CA qualifier for order line detail updates
- Updates quantity left to receive on the order
- API: Added the endpoint /cxml/{partnerId}
- partnerId should be the account number of the supplier. Identifiers would be configured in Logicbroker internally.
Connector Updates:
- Google Shopping: Update product content mappings for new attributes
- Amazon Seller Central: Support EU and multiple marketplaceids
- Amazon Seller Central: Add support for FBA pulling orders in "pending" or "shipped" statuses
Bug Fixes:
- Better error message when posting unlinked shipments to Shopify
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