See A Comprehensive Demo of the Salesforce and Logicbroker Integration Below:
Order Export
Once an order has been placed on the SFCC storefront, it will be in Ready to Export status. After running the Logicbroker Export Orders job, the export status will update to Exported.
An order note will be created by the job, indicating that it was successful.
The job exports each shipment on an order as a separate order. Because of this, each shipment will get its own Logicbroker key. This can be found on the shipment’s details page, on the Attributes tab.
Error Messages:
In the case of trying to export an order that has already been exported, there will be an error message in the notes indicating that the order is already in the Logicbroker system. The export status will be set back to Exported.
In the case of a transmission error, an order note will be created showing the error message. A more comprehensive error message can be found in the Logicbroker log file. The export status will be set to Export Failed.
Order Acknowledgements
This section is only relevant if your trading partners support sending acknowledgements in response to orders.
When Logicbroker receives an acknowledgement, it will be pulled into Commerce Cloud next time the Logicbroker Pull Acknowledgements job runs. An order note will be created showing product IDs and the corresponding quantity accepted, cancelled, or backordered.
Error Messages:
In case of an error importing an acknowledgement (i.e. the job cannot find the order/shipment associated with the acknowledgement) an error message will be created in the log.
When the job pulls a shipment from the Logicbroker system into Commerce Cloud, the shipment’s shipping status is set to Shipped. In addition, the first tracking number found will be recorded in the Tracking Number field.
However, some shipments may ship in multiple boxes. To accommodate this, an order note will also be created with all tracking information from the shipment.
The job will also update the order shipping status. If only some of the order shipments have shipped, the order’s shipping status will be updated to Partially Shipped. Once all shipments have been shipped, it will be updated to Shipped.
Error Messages:
In case of an error importing a shipment (i.e. the job cannot find the order/shipment associated with the Logicbroker shipment) an error message will be created in the log.
Inventory Updates
The Logicbroker Pull Inventory job pulls any updated inventory quantities from Logicbroker and updates the respective inventory records in Commerce Cloud. The inventory list it looks at is the list assigned to the site in the job’s scope. It will set the allocation on the product.
The process will create a small history file under IMPEX/src/logicbroker/inventoryHistory/<Site Name> so that it only pulls items that have been updated since the last time the job ran.
In addition, the job will create an inventory report as an event viewable from the Logicbroker Portal. It contains a downloadable file with all updated product IDs, their previous quantities, and their updated quantities.
Error Messages:
If the job fails at any point, it will create an error message in the Logicbroker log describing the failure.
Create Matching File Template
This job can be used to facilitate the creation of a matching file, to match Supplier SKU to Merchant SKU. If you do not need this functionality, you can choose to delete this job, or never enable/trigger it.
To use this job, you must manually trigger it. Click on the job and press the Run Now button to generate the matching file template. Once the job has run, you can find the newly generated files under IMPEX/src/logicbroker/matchingTemplates. From Business Manager, navigate to Administration > Site Development > Development Setup. Under WebDAV Access, click on the link under Import/Export. From there you can navigate to the files and click to download them.
Once it has been downloaded, open the file, fill in the Supplier SKUs, and upload it to the Logicbroker Portal.
Error Messages:
If the job fails, an error message will be written to the Logicbroker log file.
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