NetSuite Installation and Setup Guide For Suppliers

The supplier bundle for NetSuite allows users to integrate Logicbroker's services with their NetSuite transactions. This bundle handles:

  • Pulling orders from Logicbroker into NetSuite as Sales Orders
  • Sending NetSuite Item Fulfillment transactions to Logicbroker (as shipments)
  • Sending NetSuite Invoice transactions to Logicbroker
  • Sending any closed sales order lines to Logicbroker as a cancellation acknowledgement
  • Pulling cancellation requests from retailers into NetSuite and cancelling the corresponding sales order lines
  • Broadcasting NetSuite inventory to Logicbroker using Logicbroker's Broadcast API endpoint
  • Sending inventory updates from NetSuite on a per-partner basis

It also features a saved search, "Logicbroker Failed Exports", which allows users to conveniently view all documents that have failed to export to Logicbroker.


This integration is only available to existing Logicbroker customers. Suppliers trading with a Logicbroker retailer can use our standard connection options.


In NetSuite, navigate to Customization > SuiteBundler > Search & Install Bundles. Search for “Logicbroker” and select the “Logicbroker Supplier Connector” SuiteApp bundle.



You will need either Administrator privileges or the SuiteApp Marketplace permission (formerly SuiteBundler permission) in order to access this screen in NetSuite.

On the bundle’s page, click the install button to install it on your NetSuite instance.


Once the bundle has been installed, navigate to Setup > Company > Preferences > General Preferences. Scrolling down, select the Custom Preferences tab. There will now be a section labeled “Logicbroker Supplier Connector”.


Enter your Logicbroker API key and select which endpoint to use. The API key can be found in the portal under API Authentication.

You can also configure what Logicbroker status to pull orders and cancellations on and what status to update them to.

If your company uses a saved search or CSV file (or multiple) for inventory instead of the native NetSuite inventory functionality, you have the option of broadcasting them to all partners in Logicbroker, or configuring them on a per-partner basis. If you wish to broadcast them, check the Broadcast Inventory checkbox and add the search IDs as a comma-separated list in the Inventory Saved Search IDs field, and any CSV internal file IDs in the Inventory CSV File IDs field. We will expect the files to be overwritten any time they are updated, keeping the internal file ID constant. Configuration details for sending inventory per-partner can be found later in this article.

Some customers with B2B integrations choose to manually create the shipments for their B2B partners in the Logicbroker Portal, rather than exporting them from NetSuite. In such cases, add the customer internal IDs as a comma separated list in the Exclude Customers from Send Shipments field.


There are separate API keys associated with your Stage ( vs Production ( so you will need to log into both to generate the key, if there is no key currently generated. Also be sure to match the API key with the proper API endpoint based on environment.


We recommend you start out with your staging environment. Once you've tested everything in the staging environment, switching over to production is as easy as using your production API key and changing the API endpoint to "Production".

If you think you might need to manage multiple Logicbroker connections to NetSuite, more information can be found in the article Connecting Multiple Logicbroker Accounts.

Customer Configuration

In order for Logicbroker to best find the customer associated with the orders being pulled, please set up all NetSuite customers with their corresponding Logicbroker Company ID, found on the Logicbroker tab.


If you wish to send different Saved Search inventory to various partners or you wish to export CSV files as inventory to various partners, and have unchecked the Broadcast Inventory checkbox in the general bundle configuration, then also add any Saved Search IDs or internal NetSuite file IDs as a comma separated list in the Logicbroker Inventory Saved Search field on the Logicbroker tab of the customer record.

Scheduled SuiteScripts Usage

Under Customization > Scripting > Script Deployments, locate the Logicbroker Supplier Connector entries. Their IDs will all begin with “customdeploy_lbsupp_”.


Note that there are multiple inventory-related script deployments. If you have configured saved searches or CSV files to be sent to Logicbroker, the Logicbroker Export Inventory deployment should be used. This is usually the case. Our inventory script can handle any combination of file IDs and Saved Searches, sent either by partner or broadcast.

If you are using native NetSuite inventory functionality, the Logicbroker Export Inventory-Deprecated should be used. 

For each of the script deployments, select Edit. You should see the following screen:


For testing:

To run a script for testing purposes (not scheduled), leave the Status as “Not Scheduled” and select the arrow next to the Save button to choose “Save and Execute”.

For scheduling:

To schedule the script, change the Status to “Scheduled” and adjust the Schedule tab to suit your needs and control how often the script will run. Then click Save.

Sending Inventory from NetSuite by Partner

If you wish to send different Saved Search/CSV inventory to various partners, uncheck the Broadcast Inventory checkbox in the general bundle configuration. This renders the Inventory Saved Search IDs on the company preferences level unused. 

Then, for every partner you wish to send inventory to, navigate to their Customer record in NetSuite. Under the Logicbroker tab, add the search IDs that should be exported to that partner.

Sending Shipments with Logicbroker Packages

The native NetSuite packages tab on Item Fulfillment transactions does not always convey enough information back to the retailer. In situations where there is more than one package, this makes it impossible to tell which items are in which packages using only native NetSuite functionality. For this, the bundle contains an additional tab on Item Fulfillments called Logicbroker Packages.

On this tab will be a list of custom records called "Logicbroker Container"s and within those are custom records called "Logicbroker Container Details". These fields will need to be populated before the shipment is sent to Logicbroker. This can be accomplished via scripts or potentially workflows. The Logicbroker Send Shipments script will pick up Item Fulfillments once the Item Fulfillment is in the "Shipped" status and there is at least one tracking number present in the Logicbroker Container Details, so be sure to either add the packages before setting the status to Shipped, or remove the Logicbroker Export Status until the Item Fulfillment is ready for export. 

Kit Items

As of bundle 3.4.0, the Supplier Bundle supports sending kit item components in Logicbroker Packages. Now, if an item is found in a package but did not appear on the original order, the Logicbroker Send Shipments script will check if the item is a kit component and add the package under the parent kit item on the order if possible. Any additional packages beyond the original quantity on the order will be retained on the shipment with a quantity of 0.


The Logicbroker Supplier Bundle now comes with a helpful after-submit User Event script called Logicbroker Populate LB Packages. A detailed account of this feature and how to utilize it can be found in the help article titled Logicbroker Packages for suppliers.


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