Your SkuVault Integration

Logicbroker supports your Inventory automation needs with our SkuVault Integration. Utilizing our SkuVault connection will allow your inventory to be easily managed for each of your trading partners.


Logicbroker can pull inventory on any time frame that fits your business needs. Talk to your Client Delivery Analyst for more details.

Below is all the data we'll need to get your SkuVault integration running:

Data Description Default Requirement

Inventory Cutoff

The cutoff for how often we will pull inventory. If this is set to 1 then we will only pull inventory that has been modified within the past hour. If this is set to 2, we will pull for the past 2 hours, etc.

1 hour



The email associated with the API URL. Required to to pull inventory from your SkuVault account




The password associated with the email used to log in. Required to pull inventory from your SkuVault account




Logicbroker supports Inventory retrieval from SkuVault as well as Order pushing into SkuVault. Many of our clients use a 3rd party shipping software to go with their SkuVault Integration. Talk to your Client Delivery Analyst for more details

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