Extension Usage

Now that the Logicbroker extension is working, there will be a new column on the Orders page in the Magento admin panel called "Logicbroker ID". 

Order Processing

The extension will look for any orders in Magento that are in the "Processing" status and do not have a Logicbroker ID. Those orders will be sent to the Logicbroker system, where they receive a Logicbroker ID, which will then appear on the Orders page.

Once the orders are in the Logicbroker system, they will be sent off to your trading partners (e.g. 3PLs, drop shippers). The process of sending orders is a cron job, which was automatically set up when you installed the extension.


By default, this cron job runs every 15 minutes, but all of the cron jobs are configurable to fit your needs. If you want to look closer at how any of the cron jobs work, you can find them in your extension under the directory:


Order Acknowledgement

Order acknowledgements allow a trading partner to notify a Magento merchant if their order has been accepted, rejected, or backordered. They will appear as a comment on the Order Details page.



This functionality is only available if your trading partners support sending acknowledgements when orders are received. 


Shipments from your trading partners will pull into Magento from the Logicbroker system through another cron job. They are translated to the Magento format, along with any tracking information on the shipment.


Inventory Feeds

When Logicbroker receives an inventory feed from one of your trading partners, the PullInventory cron job in your Magento extension will update your Magento store catalog product quantities with the new data from the inventory feed. By default, the cron job will check for updates every hour, but this is configurable to your needs.





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