Messages (Sending and Receiving)

Within the portal you can send/receive messages to/from your trading partners.

Messages that require action will appear on the Portal Dashboard when logging in. To view the message(s) and take necessary action, simply click on the red toolbar to be redirected to the Message Center.


To access the Message Center when you do not have messages requiring action, use the following steps:

1) Login to the portal and on the left hand side navigate to the Message Center drop down and click on Messages:


2) From there you will be taken to your inbox, where you can view messages and also create a New Message:


3) To create a new message, click on New Message and a pop up box will appear where you can compose your message by adding the Subject line, selecting your recipient from the drop down list, and then composing the body of your message, and then finally hitting send.


 4) To view the messages you have, click on VIEW on the right-hand side for the corresponding message you would like to read:


5) Once you hit VIEW, you will be taken to the next screen where the message will appear. From here, you can reply to the message if you would like:




Exporting Messages

To export messages, first set up any filters you need such as Status, Date, etc. and click on Export. The export will provide information for messages that match the current filters on the page. Fields exported are the same as shown on the table:

  • From
  • Subject
  • Document
  • Status
  • Date
  • Last Updated

*Note the message will not be provided on the export


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