- Partner Scorecards: Showcase cancellation reasons per order line
Connected Commerce Network®: Ability to quickly find partners who have earned on-time shipment badges based on performance over the last 30 days
- Product Onboarding Center: Display required attributes in UI when creating a product manually
- Showcase the created date for products
Onboarding: Support for production-only onboarding
- Option for select Squarespace connectivity as a core step during onboarding
- Update to the next steps prompts to include Squarespace as an option
- Updated email communication to support production-only onboarding
- Marketplacer: Remove attributes id on product post
- Squarespace: Update to get line-level tracking on orders
- WooCommerce: Retailer flow connector that accepts shipments, inventory, and product catalog. This connector provides orders.
- Require varies_by and parent_sku for variable products
- Shopify: Pull inventory for tagged products, untagged products will show as out of stock
- Block updating existing Shopify products with missing tags through POC
- Omit varies_by if a product has only a single variant
- Partner Management Center: Fixed filters to showcase suppliers correctly
- My Profile: Added helper text for website formatting
- Product Onboarding Center: Screen goes black when bulk-approving products
- Search Bar Cutting off Search Term
- Status quantities move to 0 when approving products
- Blank approval statutes on export if the status is not equal to approved
- Approving products that are unmatched are wiping out existing inventory data
- Auto approve on supplier import
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