- Inventory: Export CSV/XML per partner from the retailer side
- On-Demand Onboarding:
- Updated core onboarding tasks and resource center links
- Support for Retailer email notifications upon completion of supplier onboarding
- Ability to enable auto-acceptance for onboarding forms
- Added connection method step to the task manager
- Updated Supplier go-live email to include post go-live steps in production
- Auto-select suppliers when a retailer is accessing inventory/product links from Onboarding Tasks
- Include all fields on the export
- Update requested go-live date as to be a default field
Update the supplier onboarding invitation email
- The Market: Improved error handling when checking product feed status
- Lazada: Use SKU ID instead of seller SKU for posting inventory
- Boutique Santander (Portugal): Marketplace connector that accepts shipments, acknowledgments, returns, inventory, and product catalogs. The connector provides orders and returns.
- DSCO: Support for EAN on inventory
- Allow special characters in import/export profile names in the portal
- Clean old documents out of the search index
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