Upload or send inventory

Note: You will need to upload/send a live inventory feed once you move to the production portal as feeds do not carry over from stage to production. 


Review your partner's inventory specifications

  • Portal, API, Shopify Suppliers: Review your retailer's inventory requirements from the Document Standards page in the portal. 

  • EDI Suppliers: Review your partner's 846 specifications from the EDI Connections page.



Create your inventory file

  • Portal Suppliers: Download an CSV/XLSX template from the Inventory Feeds page > Upload Files > Download Template > Retailer-Specific Inventory

    2.jpg   3.jpg

  • API, EDI Suppliers: Your development and EDI teams should work on mapping all API/EDI specs and getting the file ready to send from your system. 

  • Shopify Suppliers: Make sure you have SKU and quantity available in Shopify for our system to pull it in. Note: Duplicate SKUs in Shopify will cause issues. Remove duplicate SKUs in Shopify or reach out to support@logicbroker.com if you are unable to and need a workaround.


Upload or send your inventory file

  • Portal Suppliers: Upload your template file into the portal from the Inventory Feeds page > Upload Files > Supplier Feed. Note: Excel uploads are preferred since CSV may cause scientific notation errors
  • API, EDI Suppliers: Send the inventory file through your established connection. Ensure you are sending it to the correct environment (if you are testing, please send inventory to our stage environment).
  • Shopify Suppliers: Once you have established your connection, we will pull inventory automatically from Shopify to Logicbroker hourly at 30 minutes past the hour. Note: You can manually run this job from the Scheduled Tasks page > look for the Get Inventory from API job > Go Faster. This job should take less than 5 minutes to run.  



Confirm your inventory file was uploaded/sent successfully

In the portal, from the Inventory Feeds page, go to Events > look for the Inventory Imported event to ensure your file was uploaded successfully. Review any errors and reupload/resend if necessary. 




Upload a matching file

*Reach out to your retailer to know if this step is required and if you are responsible for uploading this file. If you are, see steps below on how to upload a matching file.

You will need to upload a Matching File into Logicbroker to match your SupplierSKU to your retailer's MerchantSKU. Matching files control what SKUs are sent to your partner. 

  1. Download an CSV/XLSX template from the Inventory Feeds page > Download Files > Standard Feed
  2. Fill in SupplierSKU (Column A) and Merchant SKU (Column B) Note: Reach out to your retailer if you do not know the merchant/partner SKU
  3. Upload your template file into the portal from the Inventory Feeds page > Upload Files > Matching File. Note: Excel uploads are preferred since CSV may cause scientific notation errors   




Your retailer will approve your inventory

Your retailer will review and approve the inventory sent. They will reach out if there are any isses or if any changes need to be made. 

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