Audience: Retailer customers
In this article, you will find information related to the Supplier Catalog functionality within the Product Onboarding Center. The sections within this article are outlined below:
The products brought into the Supplier Catalog have already been validated against your taxonomy and are ready to go through the Product Review Process. When interacting with the Supplier Catalog, you are presented with quick filters at the top of the screen to easily determine where products are in the approval process.
The different listing statuses and their meanings can be found in the dropdown below.
At a Glance
New – All products that have not previously been reviewed and approved start off in this state.
Approved – Products that have met the quality goals of the retailer can be moved to approved, which could then move to a “List Pending” Listing Status.
Ignored – Products not appropriate for the retail program or curation goals can be set to ignored. If the product is currently listed, be sure to delist it.
Flagged – Products that need further internal review due to a request internally or externally. Can be moved back to approved or removed.
Update Suggested – Products that have been approved or rejected can have new data added or changed by vendors. The changes can be discarded or allowed and approved.
Not Compliant – Products not meeting the quality goals of the retailer can be marked as not compliant along with the reason the listing did not meet requirements.
Under Review – Products that are currently being reviewed by the retailer’s organization.
Navigation & Display
There are a few display options available to users that will allow you to show/hide columns, filter results, and search for products in the supplier catalog. These are useful when looking at your assortment for specific categories, what products specific suppliers are providing, etc. Display options can be found in the top right corner of the Supplier Catalog page shown below.
Navigation & Display
Show/hide columns – click on the 3 vertical lines in the top right to customize your view. Check the box to add a column to your catalog view
Filter Results – click on the filter icon to apply a filter to your results. Select the field you want to filter by, the operator, select the value from the list, and then click Apply. Once a filter is added, you will see a number next to the filter icon. Filters can be stacked, so add new filters or remove them by clicking the trash can next to the filter and then click Apply.
Search – Use the search bar to quickly find products within your catalog. Search for items by SKU, tag, product name, category, supplier, attribute details, etc.
The Product Onboarding Center provides users with various actions to take on a single product level. The actions are displayed by clicking on the 3 vertical dots on the right of the product.
Please note: These actions are only available for the products in the Supplier Catalog. Some of the actions may be grayed out depending on the product's current status.
Bulk Actions
Bulk actions enable retailers to perform actions in bulk to list, delist, delete, or tag products in their catalog.
Bulk Actions
Approve- Bulk approving products will bring the selected products into your assortment. Once the items are in My Catalog, they can be synced with your eCommerce site, marketplace, or other internal systems that are configured with Logicbroker.
Reject - Bulk-rejecting products will send the selected products back to the supplier for review. When rejecting, you have the ability to provide a rejection note.
Update Status - Updating product status in bulk will move the selected products to one of the following statuses: Ignored, Flagged, Under Review, or Update Suggested
Tag – Bulk tagging products provide the ability to apply the same customizable filters to several products within the catalog. Tags can be used to segment products by merchant, season, top sellers, etc.
Delete - Bulk deleting products will remove the selected products from Logicbroker in their entirety. If the products are listed on your eCommerce website, you must delist the products before deleting them.
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