In this article, the functionality of the scripts is laid out in a way that someone can determine how the script works without needing to read the code. It includes hardcoded field mappings, configuration requirements, and search criteria, as well as any other useful notes.
As of version 2.4.0, the retailer bundle supports multiple LB connections to one NetSuite account. More details can be found in the Connecting Multiple Logicbroker Accounts help article. Parameters for this usage are documented below.
For a list of ALL available fields on a NetSuite transaction, use the NetSuite Records Browser (NOT Schema browser) and find the associated transaction type.
Bundle file list:
- retHelper.js
- sendOrdersMR.js
- pullShipmentsMR.js
- pullInvoicesMR.js
- pullCancellationsMR.js
- sendCancelRequestsMR.js
retHelper.js |
Summary |
This file contains helper functions for the retailer flow. It is included in every other file in this bundle. |
sendOrdersMR.js |
Summary |
This script sends Purchase Orders in status Pending Receipt from NetSuite to Logicbroker if the PO is in Logicbroker Export Status Not Exported. |
Deployment record |
Logicbroker Send Orders |
Configuration requirements |
Checkbox to indicate if only drop ship POs should be sent to Logicbroker, only special orders, or both (check both boxes) under Setup -> Company -> General Preferences. Include SO Fields on Purchase Order under Setup -> Company -> General Preferences should be checked for 3PL flows to include extra details from the Sales Order when exporting the PO. Vendors MUST have COID set up on the Logicbroker tab. Inbound shipment flow: Locations MUST have COID set up on them, and PO MUST have the Use Inbound Shipments checkbox checked on the Logicbroker tab. If connecting to multiple LB accounts, you must configure the "Connect multiple LB accounts" checkbox on the Setup -> Company -> General Preferences page and then configure the parameters (listed at the bottom of this table) on the script deployment page. There must be one deployment per Logicbroker connection. |
Header field mappings (LB -> NS) |
OrderNumber -> tranid VendorNumber -> otherrefnum PartnerPO -> tranid OrderDate -> trandate ExpectedDeliveryDate -> custbody_lb_expecteddeliverydate else duedate RequestedShipDate -> custbody_lb_requestedshipdate else shipdate DoNotShipBefore -> custbody_lb_donotshipbefore DoNotShipAfter -> custbody_lb_donotshipafter DepartmentNumber -> department (text) Note -> message TotalAmount -> total ReceiverCompanyId -> Vendor.custentitylb_coid LB Failed doc error msg -> custbody_lb_errormsg |
Line level mappings (LB -> NS) |
ItemIdentifier.SupplierSKU -> custcol_lbret_itemid Description -> description LineNumber -> line Quantity -> quantity Price -> rate UOM -> units Taxes.TaxAmount -> tax1amt Taxes.TaxTitle -> "NetSuite" (hardcoded) |
Address field mappings (LB -> NS) |
From shippingaddress/billingaddress subrecords: Country -> country CompanyName -> addressee Address1 -> addr1 Address2 -> addr2 City -> city Zip -> zip Phone -> addrphone Hardcoded address KVPs are 'attention' and 'addressee' |
Hardcoded header KVP map (LB ->NS) |
internalOrderId -> internalid CreatedFrom -> createdfrom NSVendorName -> entity (text) NSVendorId -> entity (value) supervisorapproval -> supervisorapproval Memo -> memo Division -> class (text) Location -> location (text) ReturnTrackingNumber -> returntrackingnumbers NetsuiteShipMethod -> shipmethod (text)
If "Include SO Values on Purchase Order" is checked: (The following fields are pulled from the associated SO) SO_tranid -> tranid SO_otherrefnum -> otherrefnum SO_LogicbrokerKey -> custbody_lb_orderlbkey SO_CustomerName -> entity (text) SO_shipmethod -> shipmethod (text, cleaned for sp. characters) SO_shipcarrier -> shipcarrier (value) SO_LogicbrokerClassCode -> line.custcol_lb_classcode
Inbound shipment flow mappings: nsFromCoid -> Vendor COID nsToCoid -> Location COID useInboundShipments -> true |
Hardcoded line level KVP map (LB -> NS) |
itemId -> item EstimatedDeliveryDate -> expectedreceiptdate |
Functionality notes |
Item options will pull across as KVPs starting with “custitem”. There will likely be extra fields that just won’t be mapped. It also takes item options over as “options_” if available. The “custitem” fields should take precedent, since “options_” won’t work for list customizations. All custom transaction header and line level fields will come across as KVPs into Logicbroker. If checkbox for drop ship POs is checked, only POs with a createdfrom field and at least one item with the isdropship flag will send to Logicbroker. |
Parameters |
custscript_lbretorder_apikey custscript_lbretorder_coid |
pullShipmentsMR.js |
Summary |
This script pulls shipments from Logicbroker into NetSuite based on a preconfigured pull status. |
Deployment record |
Logicbroker Pull Shipments |
Configuration requirements |
Pull from / update to status on Setup -> Company -> General Preferences page Defaults: Pull from status 100, update to status 200. If connecting to multiple LB accounts, you must configure the "Connect multiple LB accounts" checkbox on the Setup -> Company -> General Preferences page and then configure the parameters (listed at the bottom of this table) on the script deployment page. There must be one deployment per Logicbroker connection. |
Header level mappings |
Identifier.LogicbrokerKey -> custbody_lb_shipmentlbkey
Inbound shipment flow: ShipmentNumber -> externaldocumentnumber Identifier.LogicbrokerKey -> externalid BillofLading -> billoflading ShipmentDate -> expectedshippingdate ExpectedDeliveryDate -> expecteddeliverydate Note -> shipmentmemo |
Line level field mappings (LB -> NS) |
ItemIdentifier.SupplierSKU or PartnerSKU -> custcol_lbret_itemid ShipmentInfos.Qty (summed) -> quantity ShipmentInfos.CarrierCode -> custcol_lb_carriercode ShipmentInfos.TrackingNumber -> custcol_lb_tracknum ShipmentInfos.ClassCode -> custcol_lb_classcode
Inbound shipment flow: ShipmentInfos.Qty (summed) -> quantityexpected Price -> expectedrate ShipmentInfos.TrackingNumber -> custrecord_lbret_trackingnum
Receive inbound shipment flow: ShipmentInfos.Qty (summed) -> quantitytobereceived |
Package tab mappings (LB -> NS) |
ItemFulfillment ONLY Maps from ShipmentLines.ShipmentInfos Weight -> packageweight TrackingNumber -> packagetrackingnumber |
Hardcoded header KVP map (LB ->NS) |
All header KVPs -> custbody_lb_headerkvps
Inbound Shipment flow: TrailerNumber -> vesselnumber |
Hardcoded line level KVP map (LB -> NS) |
All line level KVPs -> custcol_lb_linekvps
Inbound shipment flow: lineuniquekey -> lineuniquekey |
Functionality notes |
Checks for duplicates using the Shipment Logicbroker Key. For normal flow, if the shipment has an associated Sales Order, it will create an Item Fulfillment and if only a Purchase Order exists, it will create an Item Receipt. For Inbound Shipment flow, the shipment from the vendor will create an Inbound Shipment, and then the shipment from the location will receive the inbound shipment to create an Item Receipt. Inbound shipments pull in as "In Transit". ALL shipments from Logicbroker flow through this script and are correctly routed to the correct type of document. Weight is required in order for a package to be created. WARNINGS: There may be issues in the current version if more than one Inbound Shipment is present for a single PO. Some functionality for Receive Inbound Shipment may be missing from the Item Receipt. Receive Inbound Shipment also currently has no duplicate line handling. |
Parameters |
custscript_lbretship_apikey |
pullInvoices.js |
Summary |
This script pulls invoices from Logicbroker into NetSuite as Vendor Bills based on a preconfigured pull status. |
Deployment record |
Logicbroker Pull Invoices |
Configuration requirements |
Pull from / update to status on Setup -> Company -> General Preferences page Defaults: Pull from status 100, update to status 200. Allow Unlinked Invoices checkbox to specify if unlinked invoices should be imported. If connecting to multiple LB accounts, you must configure the "Connect multiple LB accounts" checkbox on the Setup -> Company -> General Preferences page and then configure the parameters (listed at the bottom of this table) on the script deployment page. There must be one deployment per Logicbroker connection. |
Header field mappings |
InvoiceNumber -> tranid Identifier.LogicbrokerKey -> custbody_lb_invoicelbkey |
Line level mappings |
ItemIdentifier.SupplierSKU or PartnerSKU -> custcol_lbret_itemid Quantity -> quantity Price -> rate |
Hardcoded header KVP map (LB ->NS) |
Only relevant for creating unlinked invoices customform -> customform Division -> class All header KVPs -> custbody_lb_headerkvps |
Hardcoded line level KVP map |
itemId -> item (for additional charges) All line level KVPs -> custcol_lb_linekvps |
Functionality notes |
The Vendor Bill will transform off of the Purchase Order if it exists. If “Allow Unlinked Invoices” is checked and no linked PO is found, it will create a new Vendor Bill. To add charges to the bill (as new line items that were not on the PO), there must be the following item-level KVP fields: |
Parameters |
custscript_lbretinvoice_apikey |
pullCancellationsMR.js |
Summary |
This script pulls acknowledgements from Logicbroker into NetSuite. If a line is fully cancelled, it will close the PO line. |
Deployment record |
Logicbroker Pull Cancellations |
Configuration requirements |
Pull from / update to status on Setup -> Company -> General Preferences page Defaults: Pull from status 100, update to status 200. Checkbox to allow partial line cancellations If connecting to multiple LB accounts, you must configure the "Connect multiple LB accounts" checkbox on the Setup -> Company -> General Preferences page and then configure the parameters (listed at the bottom of this table) on the script deployment page. There must be one deployment per Logicbroker connection. |
Header level mappings |
ScheduledShipDate -> custbody_lb_scheduledshipdate |
Line level mappings |
ItemIdentifier.SupplierSKU or PartnerSKU -> custcol_lbret_itemid QuantityCancelled -> custcol_lb_cancelqty QuantityBackordered -> custcol_lb_backorderqty ChangeReason -> custcol_lb_changereason |
Functionality notes |
If the company preferences checkbox configuration allows partial line cancellations, we will place the cancelled quantity in our custom line level field. It will still close out lines that have been fully cancelled. We have a line level field custcol_lb_expectedshipdate available to act as a line level backorder date. This does NOT create a new transaction in NetSuite. |
Parameters |
custscript_lbretcancel_apikey |
sendCancelRequests.js |
Summary |
This script sends out cancellation acknowledgements to vendors if the purchase order lines are closed, but not closed in Logicbroker |
Deployment record |
Logicbroker Send Cancellation Requests |
Configuration requirements |
Vendors must have a COID set up on the Logicbroker tab. If connecting to multiple LB accounts, you must configure the "Connect multiple LB accounts" checkbox on the Setup -> Company -> General Preferences page and then configure the parameters (listed at the bottom of this table) on the script deployment page. There must be one deployment per Logicbroker connection. |
Header level mappings |
PartnerPO -> otherrefnum AcknowledgementNumber -> 'Ack_' + tranid + lines[0].linesequencenumber ReceiverCompanyId -> entity.custentitylb_coid |
Line level mappings |
From 'item' sublist ItemIdentifier.SupplierSKU -> custcol_lbret_itemid LineNumber -> linesequencenumber Description -> description Quantity -> 0 (hardcoded) QuantityCancelled -> quantity QuantityBackordered -> 0 (hardcoded) ChangeReason -> custcol_lb_changereason |
Hardcoded header KVP map (LB ->NS) |
Hardcoded line level KVP map |
Functionality notes |
If LB order status is Cancelled, Ignored, or Complete, the script does not send a new ack, it just marks the lines as exported. There is a custom change reason line-level column that will populate if available. |
Parameters |
custscript_lbretsendcancel_apikey custscript_lbretsendcancel_coid |
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