Commerce EDI (3PL) Flow: FIELD MAPPINGS and Detailed script functionality

In this article, the functionality of the scripts is laid out in a way that someone can determine how the script works without needing to read the code. It includes hardcoded field mappings, configuration requirements, and search criteria, as well as any other useful notes.


As of version 2.1.0, the Commerce EDI bundle supports multiple LB connections to one NetSuite account. More details can be found in the Connecting Multiple Logicbroker Accounts help article. Parameters for this usage are documented below.


For a list of ALL available fields on a NetSuite transaction, use the NetSuite Records Browser (NOT Schema browser) and find the associated transaction type.


Bundle file list:

  • 3plHelper.js
  • pullOrders3pl.js
  • sendFulfillmentReqs.js
  • sendTransferOrders.js
  • pull3plShipments.js
  • pullCancels3pl.js
  • pullCancelRequests3pl.js
  • sendCancellations3pl.js
  • sendInvoices3pl.js
  • sendPoAcks.js
  • exportInventory3pl.js
  • exportSavedSearchInv3pl.js





This file contains helper functions for the 3PL flow and is where the company level parameters are created/used. It is included in every other file in this bundle.





This script pulls orders from Logicbroker into NetSuite as Sales Orders based on a preconfigured pull status. It is identical to the pull orders script in the supplier flow, except it uses the 3pl helper file.

Deployment record

Logicbroker Pull Orders (3PL)

Configuration requirements

Pull from / update to status on Setup -> Company -> General Preferences page

Defaults: Pull from status 100, update to status 200

If connecting to multiple LB accounts, you must configure the "Connect multiple LB accounts" checkbox on the Setup -> Company -> General Preferences page and then configure the parameters (listed at the bottom of this table) on the script deployment page. There must be one deployment per Logicbroker connection.

Header field mappings
(LB -> NS)

PartnerPO                    -> otherrefnum

BillToAddress.Email       -> email

SenderCompanyId        -> custbody_lb3pl_sendercoid
ReceiverCompanyId      -> custbody_lb3pl_receivercoid

DoNotShipBefore          -> custbody_lb_donotshipbefore

DoNotShipAfter            -> custbody_lb_donotshipafter

ExpectedDeliveryDate   -> custbody_lb_expecteddeliverydate

RequestedShipDate      -> custbody_lb_requestedshipdate

Discounts.DiscountCode -> promotions.couponcode

Line level field mappings

(LB - NS)

ItemIdentifier.SupplierSKU    -> itemid

Quantity                              -> quantity and custcol_lb_origqty

LineNumber                         -> custcol_lb_linenum

ShipmentInfos.ClassCode (or header version if this is empty) -> custcol_lb_classcode

Address field mappings

(LB -> NS)

Country                       -> country (defaults to 'US')

CompanyName             -> attention

FirstName + LastName  -> addressee

Address1                      -> addr1

Address2                      -> addr2

City                              -> city

Zip                               -> zip

Phone                           -> addrphone

Hardcoded header KVP map (LB ->NS)

customform              -> customform

shiprate                    -> shipgroup sublist shippingrate

Division                    -> class

ns_customer             -> entity

Functionality notes

NetSuite checks for duplicates using the custom Order Logicbroker Key field.

Other header/line/address level KVPs can be added using “netsuite_” prefix on LB order

To send a Boolean KVP, use Section: Boolean and a value beginning with a t or f

To send a Date KVP, use Section: Date in the LB document’s KVP

Looks for customer using custom COID field on Customer record, then by name if no match. If no customer is found, it will create a new one.

If "ismultishipto" field is set on the Netsuite SO form, we will set the line level ship to information, and use the "shiprate" headerKVP to populate the "shippingrate" field on the "shipgroup" sublist.


An additional line-level field called custcol_lb_expectedshipdate is available on the SO. You can set this field using a KVP "netsuite_custcol_lb_expectedshipdate".


If you need to set the customer manually in NetSuite, you CANNOT use netsuite_entity instead use ns_customer. We will try to set the value using text if the text value is provided instead of the NetSuite Internal ID but it will have to match the customer's name exactly as it would normally appear on the order.


For promotions, at least one of the following features must be enabled: ADVANCEDPROMOTIONS, STACKABLEPROMOTIONS, PROMOCODES.







This script sends Fulfillment Requests from NetSuite to Logicbroker if the request has an Order Logicbroker Key and is in Logicbroker Export Status Not Exported.

Deployment record

Logicbroker Send Fulfillment Requests

Configuration requirements

In order to use this script, you must check the Use Fulfillment Requests field on the Setup -> Company -> General Preferences page. In addition, any 3PL locations must have the Logicbroker COID configured on the corresponding Location record in NetSuite.

If connecting to multiple LB accounts, you must configure the "Connect multiple LB accounts" checkbox on the Setup -> Company -> General Preferences page and then configure the parameters (listed at the bottom of this table) on the script deployment page. There must be one deployment per Logicbroker connection.

Header field mappings

(LB -> NS)

OrderNumber          -> tranid

PartnerPO               -> tranid

OrderDate               -> trandate

RequestedShipDate  -> SalesOrder.shipdate

DepartmentNumber  -> SalesOrder.department

Taxes.TaxAmount      -> SalesOrder.taxtotal

PaymentTerm.TermsDescription   -> SalesOrder.terms

BillToAddress            -> SalesOrder.billingaddress

ShipToAddress          -> SalesOrder.shippingaddress

DoNotShipBefore          -> SalesOrder.custbody_lb_donotshipbefore

DoNotShipAfter            -> SalesOrder.custbody_lb_donotshipafter

ExpectedDeliveryDate   -> SalesOrder.custbody_lb_expecteddeliverydate

RequestedShipDate      -> SalesOrder.custbody_lb_requestedshipdate

ReceiverCompanyId      -> location.custrecord_lb3pl_coid

Line level field mappings

(LB -> NS)

ItemIdentifier.SupplierSKU   -> custcol_lbret_itemid

Description                         -> description

LineNumber                        -> line

Quantity                             -> quantity

Price                                   -> SalesOrder.rate

UOM                                   -> units (text)

ShipmentInfos mappings

(LB -> NS)

ClassCode                -> shipmethod (text, cleaned for special characters)

ShipTo/BillTo Address mappings

(LB -> NS)

From SalesOrder.shippingaddress and SalesOrder.billingaddress searches

Country                       -> country

CompanyName             -> addressee

Address1                      -> addr1

Address2                      -> addr2

City                              -> city

Zip                               -> zip

Phone                           -> addrphone


Hardcoded address KVPs are 'attention' and 'addressee'

Hardcoded header KVP map (LB -> NS)

isFftReq                             -> true

internalOrderId                   -> internalid

CreatedFrom                       -> createdfrom

SO_tranid                           -> SalesOrder.tranid

SO_otherrefnum                 -> SalesOrder.otherrefnum (the PartnerPO of order)

SO_shipdate                       -> SalesOrder.shipdate

Memo                                 -> memo

Division                               -> SalesOrder.class (text)

Location                              -> location (text)

LocationId                           -> location

NetsuiteShipMethod             -> SalesOrder.shipmethod

OriginalPartnerCoId              -> SalesOrder.custbody_lb3pl_receivercoid

OriginalCoId                        -> SalesOrder.custbody_lb3pl_sendercoid

SO_LogicbrokerHeaderData  -> SalesOrder.custbody_lb_headerdata

Hardcoded line level KVPs (LB -> NS)

itemId                                  -> itemid

SO_line                                -> SalesOrder.line

SO_LogicbrokerClassCode      -> SalesOrder.custcol_lb_classcode
SO_LogicbrokerLineNumber   -> SalesOrder.custcol_lb_linenum
SO_LogicbrokerLineData        -> SalesOrder.custcol_lb_linedata
lineuniquekey                       -> lineuniquekey

Functionality notes

All custom transaction header and line level fields will come across as KVPs into Logicbroker.

Many of the fields on this document come from the related Sales Order. When a mapping begins with "SalesOrder." it is referring to the transaction in the createdfrom field.

Any item options should come across to Logicbroker as KVPs beginning with options_








This script sends Transfer Orders from NetSuite to Logicbroker if the TO is in Logicbroker Export Status Not Exported.

Deployment record

Logicbroker Send Transfer Orders

Configuration requirements

To and From locations MUST have COID set up on them (custrecord_lb3pl_coid)


If connecting to multiple LB accounts, you must configure the "Connect multiple LB accounts" checkbox on the Setup -> Company -> General Preferences page and then configure the parameters (listed at the bottom of this table) on the script deployment page. There must be one deployment per Logicbroker connection.

Header field mappings

(LB -> NS)

OrderNumber                -> tranid

PartnerPO                     -> tranid

OrderDate                     -> trandate

ExpectedDeliveryDate     -> custbody_lb_expecteddeliverydate else duedate

RequestedShipDate         -> custbody_lb_requestedshipdate else shipdate

DoNotShipBefore             -> custbody_lb_donotshipbefore

DoNotShipAfter               -> custbody_lb_donotshipafter

TotalAmount                    -> total

LB Failed doc error msg    -> custbody_lb_errormsg

Line level mappings

(LB -> NS)

ItemIdentifier.SupplierSKU   -> custcol_lbret_itemid

Description                         -> description

LineNumber                        -> line

Quantity                             -> quantity

UOM                                   -> units

Address field mappings

(LB -> NS)

From shippingaddress subrecord:

Country                       -> country

CompanyName             -> addressee

Address1                      -> addr1

Address2                      -> addr2

City                              -> city

Zip                               -> zip

Phone                           -> addrphone

Hardcoded address KVPs are 'attention' and 'addressee'

Hardcoded header KVP map (LB ->NS)

isTranOrd                      -> "True"

nsFromCoid                   -> location.custrecord_lb3pl_coid

nsToCoid                       -> transferlocation.custrecord_lb3pl_coid

internalOrderId              -> internalid

Memo                            -> memo

Location                        -> location (text)

LocationId                     -> location (value)

TransferLocation             -> transferlocation (text)

TransferLocationId          -> transferlocation (value)

NetsuiteShipMethod        -> shipmethod

NetsuiteShipCarrier         -> shipcarrier

Hardcoded line level KVP map

(LB -> NS)

itemId                           -> item

lineuniquekey                 -> lineuniquekey

EstimatedDeliveryDate   -> expectedreceiptdate

Functionality notes

All custom transaction header and line level fields will come across as KVPs into Logicbroker.


An additional line-level field called custcol_lb_expectedshipdate is available on the TO. You can set this field using a KVP "netsuite_custcol_lb_expectedshipdate".








This script pulls shipments from Logicbroker into NetSuite based on a preconfigured pull status.

Deployment record

Logicbroker Pull 3PL Shipments

Configuration requirements

Pull from / update to status on Setup -> Company -> General Preferences page

Defaults: Pull from status 100, update to status 200.

Retailer API key if using Fulfillment Requests (This would be the "retailer" version of the supplier)


If connecting to multiple LB accounts, you must configure the "Connect multiple LB accounts" checkbox on the Setup -> Company -> General Preferences page and then configure the parameters (listed at the bottom of this table) on the script deployment page. There must be one deployment per Logicbroker connection.

Header level mappings

Identifier.LogicbrokerKey  -> custbody_lb_shipmentlbkey

Line level field mappings

(LB -> NS)

ItemIdentifier.SupplierSKU       -> custcol_lbret_itemid

ShipmentInfos.Qty (summed)   -> quantity

ShipmentInfos.CarrierCode       -> custcol_lb_carriercode

ShipmentInfos.TrackingNumber -> custcol_lb_tracknum

ShipmentInfos.ClassCode          -> custcol_lb_classcode

ShipmentInfos                          -> custcol_lb_shipinfos

Package tab mappings

(LB -> NS)

Maps from ShipmentLines.ShipmentInfos

Weight                -> packageweight

TrackingNumber   -> packagetrackingnumber

Hardcoded header KVP map (LB ->NS)

isFftReq              -> true

CreatedFrom       -> SalesOrder.internalid

Hardcoded line level KVP map

(LB -> NS)

 ns_serialnumbers            -> inventorydetail.issueinventorynumber
        (^ KVP should be comma and/or space separated)

Functionality notes

Checks for duplicates using the Shipment Logicbroker Key.

All packages will pull into the generic package list. Weight is required in order for a package to be created.

If "Use Fulfillment Requests" is configured, it will use the retailer API key to pull shipments. Otherwise, it will use the normal (supplier) API key. This allows the script to work for customers who are not using fulfillment requests.








This script pulls acknowledgements from the 3PL in Logicbroker into NetSuite using the Retailer API Key and creates exceptions on the lines of the Fulfillment Request.

Deployment record

Logicbroker Pull 3PL Cancellations

Configuration requirements

Pull from / update to status on Setup -> Company -> General Preferences page

Defaults: Pull from status 100, update to status 200.

In order to use this script, you must check the Use Fulfillment Requests field on the Setup -> Company -> General Preferences page.

Before using this script, you must have created a "Fulfillment Exception Reason" under Setup -> Order Management -> Fulfillment Exception Reasons -> New. Make it type "Picking". I recommend calling it "Logicbroker Exception Reason".


If connecting to multiple LB accounts, you must configure the "Connect multiple LB accounts" checkbox on the Setup -> Company -> General Preferences page and then configure the parameters (listed at the bottom of this table) on the script deployment page. There must be one deployment per Logicbroker connection.

Hardcoded header KVP map (LB ->NS)


Line level exception mapping

(LB -> NS)

NetSuite fields are on the fulfillmentexception sublist 

QuantityCancelled                            -> exceptionquantity

1 (Picking, hardcoded for now)          -> exceptiontype

ExtendedAttributes.nsExceptionId      -> exceptionreason

ChangeReason                                 -> exceptioncomments

Functionality notes


This does NOT create a new transaction in Netsuite. Netsuite has no notion of acknowledgements.

The Exception Reason internal ID needs to be in a KVP called nsExceptionId. The reason code from the line level will be used as comments for the exception. This could unfortunately not be added to the bundle. For now, it must be a picking exception. If we find that we need control over the type of exception, it can be made configurable.

This script ONLY creates an exception as of right now. It does not reject the line on the Fulfillment Request, nor does it cancel the line on the Sales Order. In this way, the client can review, create a new fulfillment, or create some kind of automation to run off of the exception.







This script looks for closed SO lines that have not been exported to Logicbroker yet, and exports them as Acks grouped by transaction. It is identical to the version in the Supplier bundle, except it uses the 3pl Helper file. This will happen whenever a new line or sales order is closed, so be aware that multiple acknowledgements may be sent to Logicbroker if things are cancelled at different times.

Deployment record

Logicbroker Send Cancellations

Configuration requirements

If connecting to multiple LB accounts, you must configure the "Connect multiple LB accounts" checkbox on the Setup -> Company -> General Preferences page and then configure the parameters (listed at the bottom of this table) on the script deployment page. There must be one deployment per Logicbroker connection.

Header field mappings

(LB -> NS)

PartnerPO                            -> otherrefnum

AcknowledgementNumber     ->  'Ack_' + tranid + lines[0].linesequencenumber

Line level field mappings

(LB -> NS)

From 'item' sublist

ItemIdentifier.SupplierSKU    -> custcol_lbret_itemid

LineNumber                         -> linesequencenumber

Description                          -> description

Quantity                              -> 0 (hardcoded)

QuantityCancelled                -> quantity

QuantityBackordered            -> 0 (hardcoded)

ChangeReason                     -> custcol_lb_changereason

Hardcoded header KVP map (LB ->NS)


Functionality notes

Looks for closed SO lines with unchecked LB Closed checkbox (custcol_lbsupp_closedsent).

Checks this checkbox once export has completed.

Adds a custom line level field for LB Change Reason which will export on the Ack.

First checks LB for order status. If Cancelled, Ignored, or Complete, it marks the ack as sent without actually exporting.








This script pulls all acknowledgements from Logicbroker in a preconfigured pull status, and closes the corresponding lines on the Sales Order.

Deployment record

Logicbroker Pull Cancellation Requests

Configuration requirements

Pull from / update to status on Setup -> Company -> General Preferences page

Defaults: Pull from status 100, update to status 200


If connecting to multiple LB accounts, you must configure the "Connect multiple LB accounts" checkbox on the Setup -> Company -> General Preferences page and then configure the parameters (listed at the bottom of this table) on the script deployment page. There must be one deployment per Logicbroker connection.

Hardcoded header KVP map (LB ->NS)


Functionality notes

If SO is already closed or ack has no cancelled lines, the script changes nothing in NetSuite, just updates the ack status in Logicbroker (configurable).

This does NOT create any new transaction in Netsuite. It only marks lines as closed on the Sales Order.







This script sends Invoices from NetSuite to Logicbroker if the invoice has an Order Logicbroker Key and is in Logicbroker Export Status Not Exported. It is identical to the version in the Supplier bundle, except it uses the 3pl Helper file.

Deployment record

Logicbroker Send Invoices (3PL)

Configuration requirements

If connecting to multiple LB accounts, you must configure the "Connect multiple LB accounts" checkbox on the Setup -> Company -> General Preferences page and then configure the parameters (listed at the bottom of this table) on the script deployment page. There must be one deployment per Logicbroker connection.

Header level field mappings

(LB -> NS)

InvoiceNumber       -> tranid

InvoiceDate            -> trandate

HandlingAmount     -> handlingcost

Note                      -> memo

InvoiceTotal            -> total

OrderNumber          -> SalesOrder.tranid

PartnerPO               -> SalesOrder.otherrefnum

Taxes[0].TaxAmount    -> taxtotal

Taxes[0].TaxTitle         -> "Total Tax" (hardcoded)

Taxes[1].TaxAmount    -> tax2total

Taxes[1].TaxTitle         -> "Total Tax 2" (hardcoded)

PaymentTerm.TermsDescription   -> terms (text)

PaymentTerm.DueDate               -> duedate

PaymentTerm.DiscountDueDate   -> discountdate

Discounts.DiscountAmount          -> 0 - discounttotal (positive number in NS)

LB Failed doc error msg -> custbody_lb_errormsg

ShipmentInfos mappings

(LB -> NS)

Pulled from ItemFulfillment on join shipmentPackage search

TrackingNumber       -> shipmentPackage.trackingnumber

ClassCode                -> shipmethod (text, cleaned for special characters)

Weight                     -> shipmentPackage.weightinlbs

BillTo/ShipTo mappings

(LB -> NS)

Country                       -> country

CompanyName             -> addressee

Address1                      -> addr1

Address2                      -> addr2

City                              -> city

Zip                               -> zip

Phone                           -> addrphone


Hardcoded address KVPs are 'attention' and 'addressee'

Line level field mappings

(LB -> NS)

From 'item' sublist

ItemIdentifier.SupplierSKU   -> custcol_lbret_itemid

ItemIdentifier.UPC               -> upccode (if available)

LineNumber                         -> custcol_lb_linenum

Description                          -> description

Quantity                              -> quantity

QuantityUOM                       -> units_display

Price                                   -> rate

Cost                                    -> cost

Hardcoded header KVP map (LB ->NS)

ShippingCost          -> shippingcost

AltHandlingCost     -> althandlingcost

AltShippingCost      -> altshippingcost

CustomerMessage   -> message

Status                    -> status

internalOrderId        -> SalesOrder.internalid

internalInvoiceId      -> internalid

Hardcoded line level KVPs

(LB -> NS)

itemType    -> item.itemtype

Functionality notes

All custom transaction header and line level fields will come across as KVPs into Logicbroker.







This script looks for Sales Orders with an Acknowledgement Export Status of Not Exported, and exports their lines as Acknowledgements to Logicbroker.

Deployment record

Logicbroker Send PO Acks

Configuration requirements

If connecting to multiple LB accounts, you must configure the "Connect multiple LB accounts" checkbox on the Setup -> Company -> General Preferences page and then configure the parameters (listed at the bottom of this table) on the script deployment page. There must be one deployment per Logicbroker connection.

Header field mappings

(LB -> NS)

PartnerPO                            -> otherrefnum

AcknowledgementNumber     ->  'Ack_' + tranid

LB Failed doc error msg         -> custbody_lb_errormsg

Hardcoded header KVPs

(LB -> NS)

shipdate                               -> shipdate
ScheduledShipDate               -> custbody_lb_scheduledshipdate
ScheduledDeliveryDate          -> custbody_lb_scheduleddeliverydate

Line level field mappings

(LB -> NS)

From 'item' sublist

ItemIdentifier.SupplierSKU    -> custcol_lbret_itemid

LineNumber                         -> custcol_lb_linenum

Description                          -> description

Quantity                              -> quantity - quantitybackordered

QuantityCancelled                -> custcol_lb_origqty - quantity

QuantityBackordered            -> quantitybackordered

ChangeReason                     -> custcol_lb_changereason

Hardcoded line level KVPs

(LB ->NS)

ExpectedShipDate                -> expectedshipdate

ScheduledShipDate              -> custcol_lb_scheduledshipdate
ScheduledDeliveryDate         -> custcol_lb_scheduleddeliverydate
ns_rate                                -> rate

Functionality notes

Adds a custom line level field for LB Change Reason which will export on the Ack. It defaults to blank, unless at least one qty is backordered or cancelled, then it will default to Other.

Adds a custom line field for the original quantity on the order. This is necessary for the quantity calculations.

The Acknowledgement Export Status (custbody_lb_ackexportstatus) will default to no value. It can be automatically set to Not Exported via business rules (set a KVP with netsuite_custbody_lb_ackexportstatus and a value of 3) in order to "auto acknowledge" as soon as the order gets imported into NetSuite. For other functionality, the customer should configure a workflow or script in NetSuite to set the value of the field at the right time in their order lifecycle.








This script finds ALL Inventory Items and broadcasts them via the Logicbroker API endpoint. It uses the default NetSuite functionality. It is identical to the version in the Supplier bundle, except it uses the 3pl Helper file.

Deployment record

Logicbroker Export Inventory-Deprecated

Configuration requirements

If connecting to multiple LB accounts, you must configure the "Connect multiple LB accounts" checkbox on the Setup -> Company -> General Preferences page and then configure the parameters (listed at the bottom of this table) on the script deployment page. There must be one deployment per Logicbroker connection.

Field mappings (LB ->NS)

These are all Item fields

SupplierSKU              -> itemid

UPC                          -> upccode

Quantity                   -> sum of all locationquantityavailable fields

Cost                         -> cost

Description               -> salesdescription

Weight                     -> weight

Warehouse               -> inventorylocation (text)

WarehouseQuantity   -> locationquantityavailable


Functionality notes

The script separates out warehouse quantities up to 5 warehouses.

It saves the file to a folder in NetSuite called "lbtmpFolder" and creates a file called "logicbrokerInventory" + + ".csv". These are deleted when the export is finished.

All rows are "sanitized", meaning if a column contains a comma, carriage return, or double quotes, the double quotes are changed to "" and the column is encompassed by \" characters.







This script sends configured saved searches to Logicbroker, either broadcasting or per partner. It is identical to the version in the Supplier bundle, except it uses the 3pl Helper file.

Deployment record

Logicbroker Export Inventory

Configuration requirements


Inventory Saved Search IDs field has Saved Search IDs, Inventory CSV File IDs contains internal file IDs of CSV files and the Broadcast Inventory checkbox is checked off in Setup -> Company -> General Preferences

Set up a template to convert the saved search columns to Logicbroker’s format



Broadcast Inventory checkbox is unchecked in Setup -> Company -> General Preferences

Saved Search IDs and CSV file IDs are set up on the Logicbroker tab of Customer Records for the trading partners who should receive inventory. 

Set up a template to convert the saved search columns to Logicbroker’s format


If connecting to multiple LB accounts, you must configure the "Connect multiple LB accounts" checkbox on the Setup -> Company -> General Preferences page and then configure the parameters (listed at the bottom of this table) on the script deployment page. There must be one deployment per Logicbroker connection.

Hardcoded header KVP map (LB ->NS)


Functionality notes

The IDs should be space or comma separated values. Include IDs for all inventory-related Saved Searches that should be exported to Logicbroker.

When sending to Logicbroker, the transform parameter is set to true.

This script will handle BOTH saved searches and CSV files. It is not either/or. So if a customer record has a saved search ID and a CSV file ID on it, BOTH will export to LB.




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