Retailers/Suppliers FAQs

Below you will find the most frequently asked questions for the Retailers and Suppliers tabs, please click on the headings below to be directed to the specific section. 


Onboarding Page

Can I change the Primary contact of a vendor?

No. The Primary contact field cannot be updated. If the vendor's account is in a Form Open status, you can delete their integration and issue a new invitation to an updated contact. If the vendor account is in a Deployed to Stage or Live status and you need to provide a new contact access to that vendor's account, you can reach out to support@logicbroker and provide them with the email and which account you'd like them to have access to - we'll send out a link for them to create a username and password. This change, however, will not appear in the Onboarding page. 


Can I resend the New Vendor invitation?

No. If the vendor is saying they did not receive the New Integration email, you will need to delete the integration and issue our a new one. 


Can I delete an integration if I no longer want to work with a vendor?

Depends. If the vendor has not completed the form (status is Form Open), yes, you can click delete and the integration will be removed. If the vendor did complete the form and you accepted it (status is Deployed to Stage or Live), no, you cannot delete the integration since once accounts are deployed to stage they cannot be deleted. In this case, change the status of the vendor integration to Ignored

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